Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Chicken rice Hoi An Vietnam

Not eating chicken as not to Hoi An Vietnam. Somewhat exaggerated way of saying that probably stems from the pride when it comes to chicken rice - a taste of home idyllic, unforgettable people Hoi. Here's how to prepare chicken dishes of Hoi An:

an oil hens.
50g + 500g glutinous rice.
200g tomato improvement (taking multiple stems).
Improvement in sugar or tree.
Ginger, garlic, peppers, onions.
Fish sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, duog, turmeric.


• Chicken clean. Heart, liver, chicken gizzard washed, cut small dice. Saute the heart, liver, gizzards with onions and seasoning to taste.

Glutinous rice vo clean and drain.

for the hard-boiled chicken, when cooked in chicken broth for a little turmeric. Cooked chicken, fish out, drain, torn or cut pieces (optional).

chicken broth to cook rice. For rice in a pot, pour enough chicken broth (new rice seeds to taste a little hunt). Wedge wedge bit nuts, rice oil for supple, aromatic, charming. Rice is cooked, mix of heart, gizzard, liver and served with coconut rice to improve tomato, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, sweet onion vinegar soak.

The improvement of water remaining soup are delicious fresh or tree.

cut pieces or shredded chicken. Can be mixed sweet and sour sauce, soy sauce with chili sauce or dots of Hoi An Vietnam. If the family can eat chicken dish served separately, the vegetables separately. If they get the rice meal, to the chicken and vegetables (served separately, so that rice does not get wet)

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